Krach-Anglais – Cine Nomine
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TRADER GAMES by Fabrice Genestal

Erwan, a trader at a major New York bank, bets, plays and wins. But he wants more, always more. When he comes across an article about climatology in a scientific review, he has an intuition about a correlation between climatic variations and stock market flows. Convinced that he’s got hold of a magical formula that will make him the master of the financial markets, he persuades Sybille, the scientist author of the article, to develop a model of his vision and to create a hedge fund. Initially reticent, she then lets herself be persuaded to follow him. Erwan ends up caught in a game where any tactic is allowed…

With Gilles Lellouche, Charles Berling, Vahina Giocante and Michael Madsen

Theatrical release : 1er septembre 2010