Musique-Anglais – Cine Nomine
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Cine Nomine started publishing music with its first film La Squale. The film score signed Cut Killer was co-published by Cine Nomine and showcased numerous new talents such as Diam’s, Saian Supa Crew, Doudou Masta, Mafia K’1 Fry, Lord Kossity, 113 and so forth. Since then Cine Nomine has worked with composers as varied as Nathaniel Méchaly, Frédéric Talgorn, Ilona Sekacz, Guillaume Roussel, Frédéric Vercheval and Hit’n’Run.


As the publisher of all its soundtracks, Cine Nomine has also developed a phonographic production business that specialises in jazz and music for children. The record “Une Coccinelle sur mon violoncelle” (A beetle on my cello) by jazz singer Philomène Irawaddy was both a critical and public success and led to numerous follow up records.